Tuesday, February 24, 2009

TLYDF Affiliate - The Twilight Enabler

Today on the Twilight Enabler, GinnyW and Shug have posted an article partially about fandom history and about FF rules. We know there has been some controversy going on and in this article you can find many answers that you might be seeking. Please take a look.

The Twilight Enabler - DON'T PANIC

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Thank you for posting this. I found this article very interesting and it contains some important information that all fanfiction writers that post on fanfiction.net need to be aware of.

    Fanfiction was acting within it's rights to remove two chapters of "Wide Awake." Fanfiction would be acting within it's rights to remove any chapters that are not in line with their rules and regulations, including a chapter that exists within my own story.

    However, I believe the current system for how fanfiction monitors and acts on violations leaves much room for improvement. The current system, in my understanding, works by allowing visitors and members of the site to monitor and report on stories. This system might be effective if we lived in a world where everyone acted on the same motivations and was equally fair, but that is no the case. This system plays directly into the hands of haters (specifically bandwagon haters) that AngstGoddess003 so wonderfully wrote about in her post.

    I believe that Fanfiction either should take action across the board or not take action at all. There are thousands of Twilight fanfiction stories that contain material that is in violation of Fanfiction rules, and thousands of fanfiction from other fandom's that contain said material. To target specific stories every once in a while, in response to effort by "haters," is unfair to the members that visit the site on a daily (sometimes) more basis. Members whose internet activity is providing Fanfiction with the number of hits that it receives, that allows it to earn the ad money it does.

    I would suggest that Fanfiction reinstate a MA or a NC-17 rating so that the thousands of authors who write this material and the millions of readers who are addicted to this material, can continue to enjoy the site without being in violation of Fanficiton policy.

    Alas, I know that my opinions will be simply held in vain and Fanfiction will likely continue acting and enforcing policy in the same, ineffective and unfair, manner.

    I would like to give a shout out to AngelGoddess003. I think the way she handled this entire situation was really admirable. She has thousands of devoted readers that would be willing to spam Fanfiction in protest if she so requested. Yet the only thing she asked of her readers was to remain patient and respectful of the rules that Fanfiction has in place and has used against her story. Not everyone would be able to maintain that type of integrity when faced with this situation. I don't know AngelGoddess003 but I am proud to be a member of the Twilight fandom with her.



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