Sunday, July 5, 2009

GuestFicRec: Magan Loves Looking to Tommorrow

Magan Bagan's

Everything in Edward and Bella’s world seems virtually perfect. He was completing his residency at the local hospital, she was teaching at the local high school and they were getting married in a matter of months. How could their lives have gotten anymore perfect, especially with their engagement party just hours away? No one expecting this to happen though.

Birdee brings you into a world where everything seems to be just right, no possibility of anything going wrong. When you’re young who thinks that anything horrible can happen to you? Only, that is just when tragedy is ready to hit you, when you least expect it.

This story stands out because instead of Bella being the damaged soul in need of repair, it ends up being Edward. He has to find a way to rebuild his life after an accident, but he can’t do it alone. With the help of his family and friends, Edward is forced to try to find the man he once was while dealing with the reality he has been dealt. Battling depression, physical ailments, panic attacks, and overwhelming fear, Edward discoveries strength in himself he never knew that he possessed.

His parents, Carlisle and Esme, and his brother and sister-in-law, Emmett and Rosalie, help care for him along with Bella. Twisting the original characters a little, birdee creates a new baby sister for Edward and Emmett. Elizabeth, or Bit, helps push Edward to do things that the others may not necessarily be able to do. She’s a perfect addition to the family since she has some of the best qualities of her brothers, helping to relieve the tense moments and giving Edward the extra encouragement he needs to do the things he scared to try.

One of my favorite things about birdee is her ability to make you feel exactly what the character is feeling. Bella’s pain as she watches her idyllic life crumble and Edward as he fights the inner turmoil to give up. She takes a subject that most may not know anything about and puts you right into their place. The difficulty of not being able to do the things you were once able to do, or even watching the love of your life extinguish their pride so that others can help them.

Also, birdee keeps her writing as realistic as possible. Just as in everyday life, things aren’t always sunshine and rainbows. Life can be messy and painful, but there are always these moments where everything is just as it’s supposed to be and that’s what birdee does. She gives you those moments, showing that it takes work to get there, but it’s worth it in the end.

Perfect. That was the only way to describe the feeling of waking up with Bella in my arms. Every day I wondered how I had been lucky enough to have this beautiful woman love me.

This particular Friday morning was no different from the rest. I had slept peacefully as I held Bella close to me. I wanted nothing more than to stay in bed with her all day, but she said something about having to work for a living. I’d gladly give up working if it meant I could spend every moment of my existence with Bella.

Bella had gotten up to get ready for work, but I was having a hard time getting up. I felt like I had a migraine coming on, even though I hadn’t had one since I graduated from medical school. I figured it was just the stress of work and wedding planning that was getting to me.

Just as the characters are, you will be taken for a roller coaster ride, feeling their sorrow and their joy. This story is a wonderful read because you cheer on the characters, you want them to succeed and to make things right, to have that happy ending that they deserve.

So, take a little time out of your day to discover birdee18’s brilliant work. Sit back and enjoy an Edward so adorably flawed, he’s almost perfect.
Magan bagan is still a relatively new member of the Twilight fandom. She is active within the Twilighted community and her stories posted there include No One Saw the Pain, The Family that Stays Together, For the Love of a King, and A Perfect Twilight. She is preparing to graduate from college and move on to graduate school. Dancing and movies/television are her other obsessions.


  1. I have been with WHT since Birdee first started posting it. Love this story! Doesn't hurt that Birdee totally indulges my strange sexual attraction to Stuttering Edward ;-)

  2. I'm def. checking this out!
    Thanks for the rec. Megan!


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